Monday, September 23, 2013

Menu Plan Monday: 9/23/2013

Ok, it's the end of the day. You just worked your butt off for 8 hours or possibly even more. You are beat tired. Then all of sudden your stomach grumbles with such a ferocity that it could scare a small child. You need food... NOW! Ugh, you know there is nothing at home to cook, but yet you really don't want to have another drive-thru party. What to do? You are starving, dead tired, have no food at home, and you don't want another processed "chicken" sandwich for dinner.

We have all suffered through this horrible dilemma, and most likely we ended up having that drive-thru party and feeling a bit guilty about it. Trust me, my husband and I have been there several times. It's ok. Everybody does it. Now one way to avoid this horrible problem, is to just simply plan out your meals for the week. I know way easier said than done, but it is possible. Over the next few weeks, I'm going to be giving out some simple tips that can help you get started with meal planning and avoiding those horrible dilemmas like above.

Meal Planning Tip #1

Collect recipes! How are you gonna plan what you are going to cook if you don't have any recipes? Pinterest is my top place to look for new recipes to try out. Also Google is another great place to start. If you know you are going to be tired after a long day of work, I suggest you look for 30 minute or less recipes or crock pot recipes. That way you don't have to spend a ton of time and energy cooking when you come home from a long day at work. Save those time consuming recipes for the weekend.

Simply search for recipes and save them so you can refer to them in the future. That's why I use Pinterest because not only can I search for new recipes, but I can also save them. Start collecting your recipes this week and next week I'll tell you what to do with them!

Weekly Meal Plan

Monday: Chili's
It's Monday Night Football and the Broncos and the Raiders are playing! We are headed to Chili's with a bunch of friends to watch the game.

Tuesday: IN-N-OUT
This is our weekly grocery shopping day and this is where we eat when we do our weekly grocery shop. It's just super convenient and cheap for us.

Thursday: Sesame Chicken
New recipe!

Friday - Sunday: DISNEYLAND!!!
Yes, I know I said last weekend we were going, but that didn't happen. It's all good because we should be going this weekend!

Have no clue about menu planning? It's ok head on over to for more tips and info on menu planning. If you cook something this week, take a picture and post using #tablefortwoplease.What are you cooking this week?


  1. Thanks for sharing your menu. I have a ton of broccoli on hand and now have some inspiration for what to do with it! Have a great week!

  2. When we lived in San Diego we would head to Disneyland at least once a year. It was loads of fun.

    1. Yea we love it so much! We try to go at least once a month since we bought annual passes.
