Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Goals: Blogging and Personal

Happy New Year everyone!!! I hope you had a great night last night and didn't party too hard. I mentioned on the Facebook page that I would be taking a hiatus from the blog. I'm at the end of my nursing school program and I needed some time to focus on that. Well, I have one more class to finish, study for my nursing boards, and then pass my boards and I will be a NURSE, finally! I feel this is a good time to come back to the blogging world. You may be thinking, Katrina you still have a LOT more work to be done, what are you thinking about coming back to the blog!? Yes, I still have work, but it's not as demanding and I know I will be able to easily handle this last bit of school and blogging at the same time. I've missed it a lot and I have quite a few plans for this blog in 2014.


For the first time on this blog I've decided to make some goals for Table for Two, please?. I think this will allow me to be able to focus more and heck maybe make some extra money. My goals are feasible and small for now, but as the year goes on I will adjust as needed. I have four different areas that I want to work on so let's start with financial.

My goal for this area is simply to make $5.00 per month. Yes, I know this is small, but this is not my main area of focus right now. I have other areas to build up before I can actually start making big money on here.

Web Design
I plan on doing some BIG design changes this year. I don't necessarily have a goal except just to have my own url and domain. My first step towards this is starting and finishing this 10 week tutorial for a complete blog makeover! I started this once and never finished, but it really is amazing! You should go check it out if you have a blog and want to give your blog a face lift. I have other design changes as well, but if you have any suggestions please leave them below in the comments!

I have two goals for this area. First, I want to have 1,000 page views per month. And next, I want to increase my subscribers by 20 per month. So let's start now! If you are not subscribed to this blog, go subscribe, please. You'll find the box on the right side column above. You will be notified of each time I post something new, and trust me you will like it! Thanks in advance.

Social Media
I have 5 different social media sites that I use: FacebookPinterestTwitterGoogle +, and Instagram. I use these sites to let you know about new posts on the blog, what I'm cooking up, or just what's happening in my life. My goal is to increase each site's followers by 20 per month. So if you could do me a big favor and follow either just one or if you really want all 5! You can either click on the links above or all my buttons are in the right side column above towards the top. Thank you!

So those are my little 2014 goals for Table for Two, please? Even though they may be small, I know these are feasible and if need be I can always change them. I very rarely get too personal on this blog just because I like to keep the focus on the food, but I'm going to share some of my personal goals with you today.


My two BIG goals are to finish nursing school, pass my boards, and get a job. These have been my goals for the past 2 years and probably more. Another big goal my husband and I can start working towards after those goals are accomplished, is buying our first home! That is a huge one for us and hopefully this year we can start working towards it.

I have a few other little goals for the year, too. One is to do yoga at least once a day. I really love yoga and I always feel off when I miss a day. For now, I'm going to start with Monday through Friday and then slowly work the weekends in. My next goal is to incorporate more vegetables into my diet. I feel like I always eat the same vegetables all the time. I'm going to start making side salads at dinner and green smoothies for snacks. And my last goal is to travel more with my husband. In the past, it was just not feasible financially or with my school. Well since school is coming to an end and finances are better now a days, we can travel now. We already have started planning and I can't wait!

Ok, so those are my goals both for blogging and personal for 2014. I'll be giving you an update about halfway through the year to let you know how well I'm reaching my goals. Now, it's your to share if you don't mind.

What are your goals for 2014?


  1. I'll have to check out that blog tutorial! Your goals look very do-able - good luck!! Writing it down helps me!

    1. Yes, it really is great! Thanks for following me everywhere :)

    2. Yes, it really is great! Thanks for following me everywhere :)

  2. By the way, I am following you everywhere now. I was already following you on Pinterest and Facebook! Happy to connect!

  3. I loved reading your goals for your blog! I'm doing the same for mine, and it's really helpful. Good luck finishing your degree - my sister is a nurse, too!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Yes, goals are definitely helpful and keep your drive focused. Thanks and I can't wait to be a nurse, too!
