Monday, August 12, 2013

Menu Plan Monday: 8/12/2013

I've honestly been enjoying cooking more often during the week lately. There's just one thing. Usually one recipe each week escapes me and it never gets made. Then this recipe just haunts me week after week after week until I finally just cook the dish. So I'm going to put an end to it this week. My goal is to cook dinner every single night that I have planned to cook this week. Let's see if it happens! Ok, let's take a look at last weeks' highs and lows.

Weekly Highs & Lows

Lows: I did pretty well last week with cooking except I did not make the Yellow Curry with Chicken, once again. So it will be on the menu plan once again, but it will NOT be there next week!

Highs: I think our favorite dish was definitely the Ground Beef Enchiladas. As always they were really delicious and we both enjoyed them!

Weekly Meal Plan

Monday: IN-N-OUT
Ok, so we didn't go grocery shopping yesterday like we normally do. Oops. It was a long weekend and we just wanted to rest yesterday. So we will be doing our weekly grocery shop trip tonight and as always we will be eating In-N-Out.

I am determined to make this recipe! Even though I just ate yellow curry with chicken leftovers from a Thai restaurant for lunch, I will be making this for dinner tomorrow!

I was browsing through my recipes and I came across this one. I hadn't made it in awhile so I decided to make it. Plus, it's really good!

One pasta dish, Isaac will actually eat! It's delicious and spicy. Two key factors for making a great dish for Isaac!

Hopefully, you found a new recipe to try out some time this week! Show me what you cook up this week or heck even when you grab fast food. Send me a picture either through Facebook or Instagram. Use the hashtag #tablefortwoplease so I can find your pictures! Need more menu planning inspiration? Check out!


  1. I have a recipe that I've been meaning to make for two weeks now too. And I didn't make it last night like I was supposed to. I'm not putting it on the menu next week; I'll just use the ingredients to make something else. Obviously, something in the universe doesn't want me to make this pasta dish!

    Have a great week!

    ~visiting from MPM~

    1. Hopefully you'll make something even better! Yea sometimes I probably should take that clue from the universe as well. I'm just too determined! Thanks for stopping by from MPM!

  2. That Yellow Chicken with Curry sounds delicious. Thank you for sharing the link. I completely understand tabling outings for rest. We're doing that today. Have a good week!
