Monday, June 10, 2013

Menu Plan Monday: 6/9/2013

I'm quite proud of myself to be honest. I've been blogging quite regularly for the past two weeks! I think this is the longest amount of time that I've continuously blogged! I've finally come up with a schedule that allows me to blog, work on school, and keep my life sane. Ok, let's get on with this post now.

Weekly High & Low:

Low: I will say I did a bit better as far as actually cooking than last week. I didn't make one meal last week which was the Healthy Burritos. I've given up on making them for awhile now.

High: If you read Friday First Impressions: Greek Turkey Burgers, well then you know that this was our favorite meal from last week! Seriously these burgers were out of this world!!! I can't wait to make them again because they were so good. Just go read that post to know all the juicy details about those burgers!

Weekly Meal Plan

Trying out another new recipe! Let's hope it turns out great!

Tuesday & Wednesday: Fend for yourself night
I have clinical til 9:30pm each night so we are just eating dinner on our own these nights. I don't like it, but oh well.

So only two meals planned for the week, I think I'll be able to handle that. If you want to find more meal plan ideas, go check out! What do you have planned to cook this week?

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