Monday, January 20, 2014

Menu Plan Monday: 1/20/2014

Another week is upon us friends. My routine got all messed up last week, but it was for a good reason. I took my first review class for my nursing boards that I will be taking soon! Super excited about that! Anyways, I'm slowly getting back into the routine today.

What We Actually Ate!?

YES! Another week down and I made every single meal I planned last week! I seriously do believe the whole picture thing helps keep me accountable. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, I'll explain. Each night I post a picture collage on Instagram of what I planned for us to eat and what we actually ate!? I'm just keeping myself accountable to my meal plan and it's working! Here's last week pictures:

What We Actually Ate!?

If you would like to start keeping yourself accountable, too, join along in What We Actually Ate!? Just post your pictures to Instagram using the hashtag #wwaa. I always love looking at pictures of food!

Weekly Meal Plan

Spicy Blackened Chicken

Well I had planned on making this for dinner, but earlier today my husband asked if we wanted to go out to dinner with friends instead and I said sure! So this will be used next week.

Tuesday: 3 Course Valentines Dinner for Two
I'm testing out my recipes for an upcoming post! I'm really excited about this one and can't wait to share it with you!

Chicken & Sesame Stir-Fry

An easy recipe that I haven't made in a really long time.

Thursday: *New Recipe* Healthier Chicken Tostadas
These just look so yummy!

Friday-Sunday: As always we just go with the flow and figure our meals out on the go.

Need tips on menu planning!? Check out OrgJunkie for more tips, tricks, and recipe ideas!

What are you planning on cooking this week?

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