Monday, January 6, 2014

Menu Plan Monday: 01/06/2014

It's the first Menu Plan Monday of 2014!!! I've been hearing a lot of other bloggers and just people in general that want to make more meals at home. Well my friends menu planning is where you can start to help accomplish that goal. Before I left on my hiatus from blogging, I was giving tips to help with menu planning. You can find these tips here: Tip #1Tip #2, and Tip #3.

To keep myself accountable to actually make the meals I plan, I'm going to start a new series called What we ACTUALLY ate!? or WWAA for short. Each night that I have a meal planned, I will post a picture on Instagram and Facebook showing what I planned and then what we actually ate. I would love it if you joined me in this series, as well. You can post the pictures to the Facebook page or on Instagram using the hashtag #wwaa.

I'm hoping this series will keep me accountable on making the meals I planned and bought for the week. I know there will be days weeks where the Jack-in-the-Box guy has become my best friend, but I also know hope the majority of the weeks my new best friend will be my kitchen. So, here's to making our kitchen our friend instead of that drive thru person!

Weekly Meal Plan

This is one our favorite Thai dishes!

My first little ole' recipe on the blog and it's still a favorite.

Thursday: *New Recipe* Chicken & Jalapeno Pasta

Friday-Sunday: Good question!? We usually eat out or just wing it!

Have no clue about menu planning? It's ok head on over to for more tips and info on menu planning. Remember to join me in WWAA and post your pictures on Facebook or Instagram. 

What are you cooking this week?


  1. Tomatillo Salsa steaks sounds amazing, yum! We love Thai food in our house too. The picture is a great idea for accountability.

    1. Yes the steaks are amazing! Keep an eye out because I will be posting the recipe soon. Yea I'm hoping the picture idea will work out. Make sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram to see if I keep it up.

  2. I have never used a Tomatillo! Can you believe it? I've eyeballed them in the grocery store but wasn't sure what to actually do with it! Maybe the recipe you posted will give me the courage to finally grab one and give it a try. :)

    1. I actually do believe it! I mainly use them in salsas, but I may just have to find a new way to use them.

  3. Menu planning is such a good idea!! I think we're pretty good about sticking to our weekly plans, but it's usually more like a M-W plan and then eat out on all the other days :X Definitely want to work on that!

    1. Yea this week was the first time I actually made everything I had planned out. I really think the whole What We Actually Ate!? helped with that. I'd say if you are consistent on M-W then just add one more day. I personally think 4 out of 7 days of the week is a good amount of cooking.

  4. Meal planning makes life so much easier. I need to do it more often. Thanks for the recipes. The curry chicken looks SO good!

    1. Yes, it definitely does. It saves me the guilt of feeling bad after fast-food for dinner. You're welcome and please let me know if you try anything out!
